What is I-View Pro ?
I-View Pro is small full feature off-line HTML browser. Designed specially for HTML authors, Internet & CD-ROM publishers, I-View is very small in size (about 500K) and only requires a PC with Windows. You can distribute I-View with your HTML files using just a single floppy. I-View Pro is specially designed for advanced HTML authors to allow them to add more functions to I-View browser. It supports image map and Win-CGI. Users can use the standard Win-CGI interface to extend the capibility of I-View browser.
Key Features

Order I-View Pro now and get I-View standard edition for free !

How to reach us
Web: http://www.talentcom.com/
E-Mail: iviewpro@talentcom.com
News: comp.infosystems.www.browsers.ms-windows
Address: P.O.Box 611476, San Jose, CA 95161-1476, U.S.A.

Last Modified: Dec. 12, 1995.
Copyright (C) 1995 by Talent Communications, Inc., San Jose, California, U.S.A.